Unit Preferences

This link displays a pop up menu to allow you to set defaults units and decimal precision for each of the units groups displayed.  To define the default unit for the unit group simply select the appropriate unit from the drop down list provided.  By selecting "US", you can set all values to the "US" units and by selecting "Metric", you can set all values to "Metric" units.  To set the decimal precisions for each of the unit groups, first enter in the base value from which the precision will be based, then enter in the appropriate decimal precision for numbers less than base value and then enter in the appropriate decimal precision for numbers greater than or equal to the base value.  After entering the values click Submit to set the values.  When you return to the menu, the precision example section will update and display an example of your current selections.  The image below is an example of Unit Preferences.  



Click on the Unit Groups for more information:

Unit Groups:

  1. Angle

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. deg.

    2. rad.

  2. Area

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft2

    2. in2

    3. m2

    4. mm2

  3. Capacitance

    Unit can only be set to microF

  4. Current

    Unit can only be set to A

  5. Density

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. g/cm3

    2. kg/dm3

    3. kg/m3

    4. lb/ft3

    5. lb/Imp.gal

    6. lb/in3

    7. lb/US.gal

    8. SG

  6. Energy

    Unit can only be set to kWh

  7. Energy transfer rate

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/h

    2. W

  8. Flow (volumetric or mass)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. CFM

    2. dm3/min

    3. ft3/min

    4. ft3/s

    5. Igpm

    6. kg/h

    7. kg/min

    8. kg/s

    9. l/min

    10. l/s

    11. m3/day

    12. m3/h

    13. m3/min

    14. m3/s

    15. ML/day

    16. ton/h (long-UK)

    17. ton/h (metric)

    18. ton/h (short-US)

    19. UKgpm

    20. USbl/day

    21. USbl/h

    22. USbl/min

    23. USgpm

  9. Flow at standard conditions

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Nm3/h

    2. Nm3/min

    3. Nm3/sec

    4. SCFM

  10. Flow, mass

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kg/h

    2. kg/min

    3. kg/s

    4. lb/h

    5. lb/min

    6. lb/s

    7. ton/h (long-UK)

    8. ton/h (metric

    9. ton/h (short-US)

  11. Flow, volumetric

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. CFM

    2. dm3/min

    3. ft3/min

    4. ft3/s

    5. Igpm

    6. l/min

    7. l/s

    8. m3/day

    9. m3/h

    10. m3/min

    11. m3/s

    12. ML/day

    13. UKgpm

    14. USbl/day

    15. USbl/h

    16. USbl/min

    17. USpgm

  12. Force

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kgf

    2. lbf

    3. N

  13. Fouling resistance

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. (ft2.deg F)/(Btu/h)

    2. (m2.deg C)/W

  14. Head/ pressure, differential (head or pressure)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar

    2. ft

    3. kg/cm2

    4. kPa

    5. m

    6. psi

  15. Head, differential

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/lb

    2. ft

    3. kJ/kg

    4. m

  16. Heat capacitance

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/(h.deg F)

    2. W/(h.deg C)

  17. Heat transfer coefficient

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/(h.ft2.deg F)

    2. W/(m2.dec C)

  18. Latent heat

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/lbm

    2. J/kg

  19. Length (Long)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft

    2. in

    3. m

    4. mm

  20. Length (Micro)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. in

    2. micron

    3. mm

  21. Length (Short)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft

    2. in

    3. m

    4. mm

  22. Moment

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft.lb

    2. in.lb

    3. kgf.m

    4. N.m

    5. N.mm

  23. Moment of Inertia

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kg/m2

    2. lb.ft2

    3. lb/in2

  24. NPIP (Net Positive Inlet Pressure)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar

    2. cm H2O

    3. cm Hg

    4. ft H2O

    5. ft Hg

    6. in H20

    7. in Hg

    8. kg/cm2

    9. kPa

    10. m H2O

    11. m Hg

    12. mbar

    13. mm H20

    14. mm Hg

    15. MPa

    16. psi

  25. NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/lb

    2. ft

    3. kJ/kg

    4. m

  26. NPSH (head or pressure)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar

    2. ft

    3. kg/cm2

    4. kPa

    5. m

    6. psi

  27. Power

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. hp

    2. kW

  28. Pressure, atmospheric

    Can be set to the following units:


    1.  bar.a

    2. cm H2O.a

    3. cm Hg.a

    4. ft H2O.a

    5. ft Hg.a

    6. in H2O.a

    7. in Hg.a

    8. kg/cm2.a

    9. kPa.a

    10. m H2O.a

    11. m Hg.a

    12. mbar.a

    13. mm H2O.a

    14. mm Hg.a

    15. MPa.a

    16. psi.a

  29. Pressure, differential

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar

    2. cm H2o

    3. cm Hg

    4. ft H2o

    5. ft Hg

    6. in H2O

    7. in Hg

    8. kg/cm2

    9. kPa

    10. m H2O

    11. m Hg

    12. mbar

    13. mm H2O

    14. mm Hg

    15. MPa

    16. psi

  30. Pressure, discharge

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar.a

    2. bar.g

    3. cm H2o.a

    4. cm H2o.g

    5. cm Hg.a

    6. cm Hg.g

    7. ft H2o.a

    8. ft H2o.g

    9. ft Hg.a

    10. ft Hg.g

    11. in H2O.a

    12. in H2O.g

    13. in Hg.a

    14. in Hg.g

    15. kg/cm2.a

    16. kg/cm2.g

    17. kPa.a

    18. kPa.g

    19. m H2O.a

    20. m H2O.g

    21. m Hg.a

    22. m Hg.g

    23. mbar.a

    24. mbar.g

    25. mm H2O.a

    26. mm H2O.g

    27. mm Hg.a

    28. mm Hg.g

    29. MPa.a

    30. MPa.g

    31. psi.a

    32. psi.g

  31. Pressure, suction/inlet

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar.a

    2. bar.g

    3. cm H2O.a

    4. cm H2O.g

    5. cm Hg.a

    6. cm Hg.g

    7. ft H2O.a

    8. ft H2O.g

    9. ft Hg.a

    10. ft Hg.g

    11. in H2O.a

    12. in H2O.g

    13. in Hg.a

    14. in Hg.g

    15. kg/cm2.a

    16. kg/cm2.g

    17. kPa.a

    18. kPa.g

    19. m H2O.a

    20. m H2O.g

    21. m Hg.a

    22. m Hg.g

    23. mbar.a

    24. mbar.g

    25. mm H2O.a

    26. mm H2O.g

    27. mm Hg.a

    28. mm Hg.g

    29. MPa.a

    30. MPa.g

    31. psi.a

    32. psi.g

  32. Pressure, vapor

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. bar.a

    2. kg/cm2.a

    3. kPa.a

    4. MPa.a

    5. psi.a

  33. Roughness

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. in

    2. mm

  34. Section Modulus

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. cm3

    2. in3

    3. mm3

  35. Specific heat (Cp)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/(lb.deg F)

    2. Btu/(lb.deg R)

    3. kJ/(lb.deg C)

    4. kJ/(lb.deg K)

  36. Specific speed / Suction specific speed

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Metric: nq (imp. eye flow) / S (imp. eye flow)

    2. Metric: nq (total flow) / S (imp. eye flow)

    3. US: Ns (imp. eye flow) / Nss (imp. eye flow)

    4. US: Ns (total flow) / Nss (imp. eye flow)

  37. Speed

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. 1/min

    2. rpm

  38. Stress

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kPa

    2. MPa

    3. N/m2

    4. N/mm2

    5. Pa

    6. psi

  39. Temperature

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. deg C

    2. deg F

    3. deg R

    4. K

  40. Temperature difference

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. deg C

    2. deg F

    3. deg R

    4. K

  41. Thermal conductivity

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. Btu/h.ft.deg F

    2. W/m.k

  42. Thermal diffusivity

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft2/s

    2. m2/s

  43. Time (Long)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. days

    2. months

    3. weeks

    4. yrs

  44. Time (Short)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. days

    2. hrs

    3. min's

    4. sec's

  45. Torque

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft.lb

    2. hp/100 rpm

    3. kW/1000 rpm

    4. N.m

  46. Velocity

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft/min

    2. ft/s

    3. m/min

    4. m/s

    5. yd/min

    6. yd/s

  47. Viscosity (kinematic or dynamic)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. cP

    2. cSt

    3. ft2/s

    4. kg/m.3

    5. kPa.s

    6. ib/ft.s

    7. ibf.s/ft2

    8. m2/s

    9. mm2/s

    10. mPa.s

    11. P

    12. Pa.s

    13. SSU

  48. Viscosity, dynamic (absolute)

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. cP

    2. kg/m.s

    3. kPa.s

    4. lb/ft.s

    5. lbf.s/ft2

    6. mPa.s

    7. P

    8. Pa.s

  49. Viscosity, kinematic

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. cSt

    2. ft2/s

    3. m2/s

    4. mm2/s

    5. SSU

  50. Voltage

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kV

    2. mV

    3. V

  51. Volume

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. ft3

    2. in3

    3. m3

    4. mm3

    5. US.gal

  52. Weight

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kg

    2. lb

  53. Weight per length

    Can be set to the following units:


    1. kg/m

    2. lb/ft

  54. Coefficient

  55. Efficiency

  56. Flow Coefficient

  57. Molecular weight (MW)

  58. Percentage

  59. Pricing calculation factors

    You can control the decimal precision shown for pricing factors like multipliers/discounts.

  60. Ratio of specific heats (k)