Thumbnail Curves

The Thumbnail Curve tab provides a thumbnail curve snapshot of the selection results. All or only the results designated on the results list will be displayed. This allows you to quickly compare the results to ensure that the best possible selection is made. The curves are displayed in the same sort order as the result list. In addition to the graphs some basic selection information is included with each thumbnail. Clicking on a curve will take you to the performance datasheet eliminating the need in returning to the search result page. The image below is an example of a thumbnail curve tab of the Search Results Page.



The page numbering of Thumbnail curves page is reset in following cases:


  1. Unit of measure is changed.

  2. Session preferences changed

  3. Returning to COS page

  4. Any changes made in the following pages:

    1. Product Lines

    2. Size List

    3. Search results

    4. Performance Curve

    5. Performance Datasheet


There are other situations where the page number should be retained.


  1. Page refresh.

  2. Toggle to 'Results List..' tab and revisit thumbnail page.

  3. Thumbnail page to any selector page (except COS) where no changes to be made and then  back to thumbnail page.