Wherever the RFQ price for an option is currently displayed, if the reason for its display is due to one of the scenarios listed below, then the RFQ will be displayed with an upsidedown exclamation mark:
The compatible price instance doesn’t have a valid SourceCurrency defined.
There are no compatible price instances
Price is RFQ because PriceType = ”Priced” and CostType = ”RFQ” and PriceCalc = ”CostMargin” or ”CostMultiplier”
The image below is an example of RFQ reason notification on the Option Selection Page for the Monitoring System: PT 100 - element for stator option.
When the user prices an option with the RFQ Reason Notification, one of the following notes will display:
Note: Price is RFQ because there are no compatible price instances.
Note: Price is RFQ because a valid source currency has not been defined.
Note: Price is RFQ because PriceType = ”Priced” and priceOverridden = false and CostType = ”RFQ” and PriceCalc = ”CostMargin” or ”CostMultiplier”.
The image below is an example of Option Edit for the Monitoring System: PT 100 - element for stator option with the RFQ Reason Notification of "Note: Price is RFQ because there are no compatible price instances.".