The Basic Order Information section of the Order Details page provides data input fields and drop down menus. These data input fields are used to capture specific order information and will be searchable by means of a Order List Filter at a later date or whenever it becomes necessary to retrieve specific order information.
This section is viewable and uneditable after opening a order, and editable when editing an existing or new order.
For more information, click on the fields below.
The Order Number data field can be automatically assigned by the system or assigned by a user when entering a new quote into the database. The Order Number field may be modified at any time an authorized user.
The Customer P/O number data field can be used to enter the customer's purchase order number.
The Based on quote number data field is a non editable field and refers to the quote that is used to create the order.
The Order Status data field is typically a customized drop down menu specific to a user company. Most users utilize a minimum of 3 sortable classifications. These typically include:
"Order in Process" signifies that the order is being processed.
"Ordered" signifies that the order has been submitted.
"Shipped" signifies that the order has been shipped to the ship to customer.
Use this field to record any important information needed for this order that is not covered in the other fields.