The Quotation Time Line section of the Quote Details page is where a user will enter specific information pertinent to a specific quote, such as "Inquiry Received Date", "Inquiry Due Date", Anticipated Order Date" and "Actual Quote Submitted Date". This information is useful in data mining activities, quote follow-up, quote tracking, forecasting trends and measuring success.
This section is viewable and uneditable after opening a quote, and editable when editing an existing or new quote.
For more information, click on the fields below.
This is the date the inquiry was received. The user can use the calendar that will appear to select an appropriate date to auto-populate the field.
This is the date the inquiry is due, or simply put, the quote due date. The user can manually use the calendar that will appear to select an appropriate date to auto-populate the field.
This is the date a customer is expected to issue a purchase order for the equipment being quoted. The user can use the calendar that will appear to select an appropriate date to auto-populate the field.
This is the date the quote was submitted to the customer. The user can use the calendar that will appear to select an appropriate date to auto-populate the field.