The Basic Quote Information section of the Quote Details page provides data input fields and drop down menus. These data input fields are used to capture specific quote information and will be searchable by means of a Quote List Filter at a later date or whenever it becomes necessary to retrieve specific quote information.
This section is viewable and uneditable after opening a quote, and editable when editing an existing or new quote.
For more information, click on the fields below.
The Quote Number data field can be automatically assigned by the system or assigned by a user when entering a new quote into the database. The Quote Number field may be modified at any time an authorized user.
If revision is implemented, "- Rev" + a number will display after the Quote Number. The number signifies the revision number.
The Quote Status data field is typically a customized drop down menu specific to a user company. Most users utilize a minimum of 3 sortable classifications. These typically include:
"Quote in Process" signifies that the quote has not been submitted to the customer and that it is still in the development stage.
"Quoted" signifies that the quote has been completed and has been submitted to the customer for review and consideration.
"Closed" signifies that the quote has been reviewed and evaluated by the customer and that the customer has either placed an order for the goods, or that the quote is no longer active. Setting the status to closed also allows you to enter more details in the Quote Disposition section.
Use this field to record any important information needed for this quote that is not covered in the other fields.
The Quote Type data field typically includes 3 optional drop down menus:
The top drop down menu generally includes:
A "Firm: quote would be a quote that would be evaluated by a customer for immediate purchase, with full details of the goods.
A "Budget" quote would be a quote that is not firm, but one that is purely budgetary in nature. A Budgetary quote may or may not address all specification requirements.
The middle drop down menu generally includes:
A "Domestic" quote would be a quote that is developed where the quoted goods are to be used within a user's own country.
An "Export" quote is a quote that would be developed where the quoted are to be used outside a user's country.
The bottom drop down menu generally includes:
"Completes" signifies complete unit packages and accessories.
"Parts" signifies the quote is for parts and not complete units or repairs.
"Repairs" signifies the quote is for units repairs, which may also include parts and other accessory items.
These drop down menus may be customized to fit the needs of a particular user organization.
Use this field to record any important information needed for the revisioned quote.
Note: This field will only display for a revisioned quote.